Gill's Fitness clients have an entire team of expert trainers to provide superior results.
Our clients are not assigned to just one trainer. Having an expert team working toward your goals provides more variety for exercises, more options for scheduling appointment times, and keeps the workouts and conversations fun, new and interesting!

Jonathan Gill - Director and Program Designer
Jonathan Gill, founder of Gill’s Fitness, was born in 1972 in Oakland, California. Early in his life an obsession with fitness and athleticism grew in tandem with his dedication to soccer and martial arts and by 1988 while still in high school Jonathan was strength training daily and a diligent student of anatomy and biomechanics, applying what he learned not just to workouts for himself but also for friends and fellow athletes.
In 1990, Jonathan moved to San Diego to attend San Diego State University while continuing the development of his own strength training methodology. One year later, in 1991 while still attending SDSU, Jonathan began providing personal training services in San Diego applying his unique approach with his first clients coming from those asking him for assistance and advice when seeing him working out in local gyms.
In 1992, Jonathan was recruited by a large gym chain’s personal training division and spent the next year teaching his methodology to trainers and clients throughout San Diego county all the while continuing to build his own clientele and pursue his goal of creating the safest, most effective system of strength training ever designed.
By 1995 the popularity of Jonathan’s personal training services had grown such that he decided to open a private gym from where he could conduct his personal training programs, and hire and train trainers to serve his growing clientele. In 1997, writers from various news outlets in San Diego heard of the success of the many clients now enjoying the rewards of Jonathan’s programs. During the next few years Gill’s Fitness would appear 14 times in San Diego publications featuring dozens of success stories ranging from adults recovering from histories of injuries or disabilities to grandparents and retirees looking to better enjoy grandchildren and their golf games.
In 2025 Jonathan celebrates 33 years training with one of his founding members and more than 20 years with 14 others, with dozens more not far behind. Gill’s Fitness remains one of San Diego’s most successful and well established personal training businesses with an unmatched track record and more than a hundred testimonials proudly and confidently recommending it as one of the best decisions a person can make to improve quality of life.

Robert Fine - Trainer, Program Designer
Robert grew up in Crest and graduated from SDSU with a degree in Kinesiology. He started his career with Gill's Fitness in 2004, while he was still a student. Enthusiastic and passionate about the clients' health, Robert will encourage you to push yourself past your comfort zone to reach your goals, and keep you laughing at the same time! Robert is an avid runner, surfer, snowboarder and can generally be found participating in a sunny outdoor activity when he isn't getting a workout for himself.

Ryan Hughes - Trainer
Ryan was born and raised in El Cajon. He attended Cal State University Monterey Bay where he graduated with a degree in Kinesiology in 2014. He began his career at Gill's Fitness during the summer of 2014. Ryan has a background in athletic strength and conditioning and applies his skills using the Gill's Fitness style of hands-on training. In addition to his weekly resistance training, Ryan also enjoys playing tennis, golf, scuba diving and generally anything outdoors!

Tyler Smith - Trainer
Tyler was born and raised in Berkshires County, Massachusetts. After obtaining a degree in Culinary Arts at Johnson and Wales University in Rhode Island, he made the decision to move to sunny San Diego. Tyler is a NASM certified personal trainer and is dedicated to living a healthy, active lifestyle. Being an Eagle Scout, he is always ready and willing to assist others. With his extremely upbeat personality, he enthusiastically motivates clients to reach their full physical capabilities and training goals.

Mikayla Devries - Trainer
Mikayla was born and raised in San Diego. She started at Gill’s Fitness in 2019 and earned her Kinesiology degree from SDSU in 2021. Always ready and willing to learn, she is completing a personal training certification from NASM and works to expand her knowledge in all components of health and fitness in order to better train all clients. When she’s not at Gill’s Fitness, Mikayla enjoys being outside and taking part in activities like gymnastics and soccer with friends.

David Misrahi - Trainer
David was born in Santa Clarita, California. After obtaining his bachelors degree in psychology he decided to move to San Diego where he studied for his masters degree in Performance psychology from National University while also pursuing a personal training certification from NASM. David loves the outdoors, along with any sports that come with it. Animals, powerlifting and working to get clients feeling to 100% both physically and mentally are all apart of his passions. He as well has certifications in order to do cupping and gua sha in addition to being a Pain Free Performance Specialist and Programming Specialist.

Dustin Abrams - Trainer